Be Ready2Rock while on the move with our reusable Rock Bag!
It is a TRUE FACT that carrying a reusable R2R bag to and from your workplace increases your chef skills. The well-researched science behind the theory is:
When walking down a street with the coolest canvas chef bag around, the natural chef pride juices start to swell. They intensely build until you are in a heightened ‘super chef state’. Symptoms will include: Your hands tingling for the sensation of a sexy Wusthof knife to be welded into them. Your pace will pick up and you’ll say “BEHIND” to slow members of the public while pushing past them. Your blood will start pumping faster to regulate body temperature ready for higher kitchen degrees. This all will happen well before actually entering the kitchen. By the start of your chef shift, you are in an extremely powerful charged chef performance psychosis, ready2rock into that kitchen, yell at an apprentice, kick open a fridge door, and take the next service by the horns in a cloud of raging chef glory!
Some also say, that when single, your chances of picking up while using an R2R bag sharply rise. The opposite sex sees the bag, and is instantly attracted to the fact you are obviously a chef, meaning you can cook awesome food, and they get the false stupid delirious sense that you would actually cook for them on your nights off! Ha! They better be good-looking for that!! 😉
Anyway enough said. Buy a Rock Bag today, Okay. Great things may happen.
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